Bonandry / suru-plus-ubuntu

Suru++ Ubuntu — An elegant third-party icons theme based on Sam Hewitt's Suru Icons
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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PyCharm icon request #35

Closed dimgrav closed 5 years ago

dimgrav commented 5 years ago

A PyCharm Icon would be most welcome! :)

Bonandry commented 5 years ago

Hi dimgrav ho caricato la tua icona per le prossime richieste vai al /usr/share/applications/ o tuo_nome/.local/share/applications e apri i file desktop di applicazioni cui non ci sono le icone con il tuo editore di testo. Copiare Icon= ici.

dimgrav commented 5 years ago

Grazie mille!

gusbemacbe commented 5 years ago


Non dimenticare aggiungere le icone di PyCharm installato via flatpak. Ecoo le icone:

gusbemacbe commented 5 years ago


We did not know how you installed PyCharm, but all the Flatpak-built icons have just been added.

When you do next icon request, do not forget of saying how you installed. It will be easy for our work.

dimgrav commented 5 years ago

Hi @gusbemacbe

I use PyCharm Professional, always installed from the JetBrains website packages and not from any package manager.

I installed the icons in ~/.icons (not in /usr/share/icons) and changed the Icon path of the PyCharm launcher to pycharm.

Thanks for the super fast feedback, hope this helps.

gusbemacbe commented 5 years ago

Hi @dimgrav !

Παρακαλώ! (I speak Greek)

Yes, snap-built and source-code-built apps are hard-coded. If you plan to install a snap-built app, here are steps:

sudo cp /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/*.desktop ~/.local/share/applications
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.local/share/applications
# For removing the duplicates
sudo rm /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/*.desktop

Log out or reboot or refresh the session

dimgrav commented 5 years ago

Good to know, it may come in handy in the future.
