Bonandry / suru-plus-ubuntu

Suru++ Ubuntu — An elegant third-party icons theme based on Sam Hewitt's Suru Icons
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Icon Request: KeepassXC #76

Open gripfastistech opened 4 years ago

gripfastistech commented 4 years ago

Missing icon for KeepassXC. Currently displays a "do not enter" icon. I'm using the dark variant of United Gnome.

KeepassXC's icons are located here:

Thank you for the consideration and appreciate this project very much!

gusbemacbe commented 4 years ago

Hi @marcusulpius !

Please, do not use this icons theme. It has a lot of bugs that can break your computer's appearance. At the moment, please, @Bonandry's Adwaita++ and Yaru++, which are stable.

Once I am done with Adwaita++ and Yaru++, I have to reforme Suru++ Ubuntu to end the bugs.