BondGoat / react-native-native-video-player

React native video player, used for Android, iOS. It will lauch a Native Video, not an Embeded Component
GNU General Public License v3.0
50 stars 44 forks source link

react-native can't read property showVideoPlayer of undefined #22

Open peterWilson34 opened 6 years ago

peterWilson34 commented 6 years ago

when I call it like stated in docs :

var VideoPlayer = require('react-native-native-video-player');

* The method will launch native module
* @param {String} url Video link

I got this error

react-native can't read property showVideoPlayer of undefined

when I run console.log(VideoPlayer) just before I call showVideoPlayer the log show the object and the method showVideoPlayer defined inside it

any help will be appreciated.

sebastianpantin commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue, any solutions?

BondGoat commented 5 years ago

Hi @peterWilson34 ,

Which platform are you running on? If it's Android, please check if you already include all required packages, Or if it's IOS, check that you already config as the Guideline in ReadMe.


chengsam commented 5 years ago

Check if you linked the library correctly using react-native link react-native-native-video-player or manually.

sutharmaulik commented 4 years ago

I have Follow step but not working in ios Please Give me Solution in react-native 60.3
