Bone008 / finance-tracker

A web-based tool to keep track of your finances with a focus on automation, privacy, flexible analysis and search.
MIT License
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Ability to import TSV (Tab-separated values) files #275

Open nayrutes opened 1 year ago

nayrutes commented 1 year ago

Idea: detecting filename extension (.tsv or .tab) and converting all tabs '\t' with ','. function convertTsvToCsv(tsvData: string): string { return tsvData.replace(/\t/g, ','); }

Ps.: I would have created a pull request but I didn't find the correct place to add this to.

Bone008 commented 11 months ago

If there is a specific file format that uses tab-seperated values, this could be added as a flag onto the FormatMapping structure and then passed to papa-parse as the "delimiter" option. This only becomes relevant once a bank statement format that is built this way is added though :)