BonnyBTakesCS455 / music-tracker

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Scrum Report Aug 1 #39

Open vandyliu opened 2 years ago

vandyliu commented 2 years ago

INCLUDE YOUR CSID IN YOUR POST (so we can give you a grade!) ● Answer 3 questions:

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?
  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?
  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?
vandyliu commented 2 years ago


  1. I worked on adding Authorization Code flow to our login process so we can use refresh tokens. I also added the recommendations, which show recommended songs based on previously listened artists and songs and adding the ability to make a real Spotify playlist of those songs.
  2. One of the major issues I ran into was dissecting the Authorization Code flow, and coding it. The documentation was quite complicated and it seemed quite daunting at first, but after breaking down the flow into steps and then further subdividing those steps into smaller tasks, I figured it out.
  3. I plan on experimenting with some machine learning algorithms to compare music tastes with other users, and some UI/UX fixes for the final presentation.
ianmah commented 2 years ago


  1. Refactoring stat scraping to work for timed data, not just counters. Friends backend and frontend list display.
  2. I had a hard time getting the cron job to scrape data because we didnt have the right access tokens, so kept getting unauthorized errors. thankfully after talking and working it through with Vandy, we started using refresh tokens. Then all the data was able to be accessed at any time
  3. Polishing UI, maybe help with graphing stats
calhong commented 2 years ago

i8t1b What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? Worked on some minor bug fixes involving null checks, and instagram sharing integration for current stats between different mobile devices and desktop What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Instagram API is rate limited to 25/day and certain posts had account limitations that I could not test past. It led to having to take different routes and workarounds as well as trying to fix some authorization code flows that I had been stuck on for a long period of time. This was also my first time developing certain actions for specific OSs and led to interesting changes when mixing up which OS I may have been testing on. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Finishing up and polishing up the instagram share function. As well as polishing up final components and code until the demo.

huangsamantha commented 2 years ago


  1. Worked on getting our app deplyed to Heroku
  2. There were a bunch of bumps getting to successful deployment - we had a lot of hardcoded secrets, references to localhost servers, etc. that needed to be refactored to work with Heroku. I made use of Heroku's app-specific config vars to keep the secrets we needed.
  3. I need to re-enable our local development (right now we have to deploy to Heroku every time in order to test changes), using the stats Ian has been working on scraping to make some cool visualizations, help with UI
adindotdev commented 2 years ago

u1j1b What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I worked on building the frontend and backend business logic for managing friends. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? My personal Spotify account was not created with an email address (social auth), thus, I couldn't connect to the Spotify APIs with it. It took many hours of debugging to realize this was the issue. I had to create a new account in order for it to work. For friends, the frontend's business logic was not set up to manage the flow of adding/viewing friends. Having to convert a lot of the existing logic into Redux was a painful process. In our backend, we missed out on many cases where instances might be null/undefined. This complicated the friends side of our APIs, requiring a refactor. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Improving the frontend components to look nice (using libraries or better css). Building a transaction system to add/accept friends.