Open Bonzzz3 opened 4 days ago
Thank you for reporting! We just realize that single arrow is supported in PlantUML. However, this diagram is inherited from AB3, and we did not make too many changes to Logic class. we should exercise greater caution and thoroughly review the diagrams. However, the use of <<>> does not affect users understanding of the class diagram.
The grammatical errors are minor and it also does not affect users understanding.
Team chose [response.NotInScope
Reason for disagreement: Thank you for your response. However due to the below diagram provided in the PE section, I believe that the developer team should take responsibility for this bug. Additionally, there was a week where we are supposed to update UML diagrams so I believed the incorrect notation was overlooked.
Description Wrong UML notations and grammar error in DG. The UML notations used should as what was taught in this course. The association labels should have a single arrowhead and not 2 double arrowheads. Also, the association labels should be uses instead of use.
Steps to Reproduce
The below image is the correct notation and grammar used found in course textbook:
Suggested Improvement Revise the UML diagrams with correct notations.