BookStackApp / BookStack

A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
MIT License
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[REQ] Insert Multiple Images & Image Gallery Feature #1449

Open heavydetail opened 5 years ago

heavydetail commented 5 years ago

Hi, I've been trying to use BookStack as an internal documentation tool for my (design) studio, but inserting multiple images to a page is cumbersome and not pretty.

Describe the feature you'd like It would be really nice to have a simple Image Gallery feature in BookStack. When you want to upload a bunch of images into a page, you have to go through each one to insert it, its tidious and doesn't look very nice. A simple gallery grid (maybe with lightbox popup) would be nice to have. Also there is no possibility to select multiple images in the uploaded files view to insert them all at once.

Describe the benefits this feature would bring to BookStack users Faster and more convenient inserting and updating of pictures. Possibility of pages with galleries.


Is there a way I could integrate lightbox or similar into the page myself? Thanks!

Wookbert commented 4 years ago

I absolutely second this, it's a feature I basically would need right now for a „book“ I'm working on.

I mean what do you do, if you need to show someone for instance the current situation of a problem as solved by others/competitors or if you want to present someone what you have in mind through a moodboard? You need a bunch of pictures to do that, and even if you limit yourself to 4-6 pictures it's already space-consuming/breaking the layout. The current workaround is to link a Pinterest or Flickr gallery for instance, which has the disadvantage that you can’t be sure that the reader actually visits the link.

fromthecove commented 3 years ago

@ssddanbrown ,

You and the contributors have built a great application. I'm in the process of migrating from using Google Docs and Zoho Drive for client information to a self-hosted solution and BookStack caught my eye. I was looking at a node-based wiki, but as a PHP dev I'd rather use an open source project I can tweak if need be.

I often have schema diagrams, update demo videos, spec docs, etc... for clients and having to download any attachment to view it is a bit cumbersome for that use case.

I thought through a few possible approaches and landed on this because I think it sticks closely to the data model you have and is therefore more of a UI enhancement than anything else. Since changes to attachments are already saved immediately, it seems a simple solution might be:

I wanted to reach out before I think about forking to work on this idea. I would certainly enjoy this feature and may do it just for myself, but if there's a chance you'd want something like this merged in down the road, it would save time on the back end if you have thoughts on at the start (you hate it, like it, would prefer something else, etc...).

WavedirectTel commented 2 years ago

Have my blessing as well. Also needs a media manager so I can upload all my assets ahead of time to use when writing the documents. But allow them to be shared with other users.

ryjogo commented 1 year ago

Yep, this is really needed.

BRGustavoRibeiro commented 1 year ago

I agree. BookStack is already amazing, and this would be a feature that would be awesomingly useful in many usecases.

dawnerd commented 12 months ago

Came looking for a sort of gallery feature and stumbled on this request. Being able to at the very least show a grid of images without having to use a table would be huge.

homeztead commented 11 months ago

Please add a gallery function that will increase our ability to organize and present information. I use bookstack primarily as a knowledge base and a journal. Often I need this function to collect screenshots for my customized how to articles and I need to collect pics of events that I participated in or hosted for others. A picture gallery capable of handling all the standard raster images would be phenomenal. Thank you for considering this request.

BriGuy-Acuity commented 4 months ago


gometer commented 4 months ago

looking for this feature too.

gamebird92 commented 2 months ago

In the meantime I am using a table to display the pictures in a kind of gallery

Wookbert commented 2 months ago

@gamebird92 Unfortunately tables get cropped depending on the device on which you are looking at them.