BookStackApp / BookStack

A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
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Sorting pages #5074

Open lahoje opened 3 weeks ago

lahoje commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the Bug

After draging and dropping the pages in disired order and saving it, it doesn't sort as I saved it?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Goto sorting a Book either under Book (Sort Book) or Chapter (Sort).
  2. Sort pages under a chapter of you choice.
  3. Save.
  4. Review the change - it still is sorted as before sorting i as described above.

Expected Behaviour

The pages should be sorted as you saved them.

Screenshots or Additional Context


AFTER SAVE Sort - before

Browser Details

MS Edge Version 126.0.2592.61 (Officiell version) (arm64); Chrome Version 126.0.6478.62 (Officiell version) (arm64)

Exact BookStack Version

BookStack v24.05.1

Beladric commented 3 weeks ago

Greetings @lahoje,

I hope you're well. Could you please provide more details, such as the Laravel logs? They are often located in /app/www/storage/logs.

Kind regards, Kilian GOËTZ.

ssddanbrown commented 3 weeks ago

@Beladric I don't think the logs would be too relevant here since there doesn't seem to be a specific error thrown.

@lahoje Can you please provide some detail in regard to how you're hosting BookStack? (Install method, Hosting method, host OS, service used etc...)

lahoje commented 3 weeks ago

@ssddanbrown Hello and thanks for your reply. I have to ask my ISP. I've attached the laravel log in case it could point at some direction in the meanwhile. laravel.log

lahoje commented 3 weeks ago

Hi again, here's requested information installation method etc:

Install method: Manual installation through Git clone Hosting method: Litespeed webserver, CloudLinux OS, PHP 8.2

ssddanbrown commented 3 weeks ago

@lahoje Is this some kind of hosting provider? If so, Do you have access to choose/change/select which PHP extensions are active or in use?

lahoje commented 3 weeks ago

@ssddanbrown Yes it's a hosting provider and I can see how I can manage php extensions using their management console.

lahoje commented 3 weeks ago

Hi again. we found the problem in the issue report #4700 regarding nd_pdo issue. I've submitted a PR to clarify the option for nd_pdo_mysql.