BookerDeWitt / MSBDN-DFF

The source code of CVPR 2020 paper "Multi-Scale Boosted Dehazing Network with Dense Feature Fusion"
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the probelm of test with '.png' #1

Open yinxuping opened 4 years ago

yinxuping commented 4 years ago

excuse me , I have a question. when I test with my date set , it comes the error : The size of tensor a (1088) must match the size of tensor b (1080) at non-singleton dimension 2 . My data set end with '.png' , I had try the other images which end with 'png',but still meet this error. But the image end with ‘jpg’ works well. how can I solve it. thanks a lot.

yinxuping commented 4 years ago

I have solve this problem by resizing the image.

yxysday commented 4 years ago

I have solve this problem by resizing the image.

Hi, yinxuping. I got that problem too. Can you tell me what size you used to resize it?

yinxuping commented 4 years ago

I have solve this problem by resizing the image.

Hi, yinxuping. I got that problem too. Can you tell me what size you used to resize it?

I guess the anthor use RESIDE dataset , so I resize the picture as (480,640)

ZunxiaoXu commented 4 years ago


Walstruzz commented 4 years ago

@893205894 发现作者其实有加upsample

hangxiaotian commented 4 years ago

excuse me , I have a question. when I test with my date set , it comes the error : The size of tensor a (1088) must match the size of tensor b (1080) at non-singleton dimension 2 . My data set end with '.png' , I had try the other images which end with 'png',but still meet this error. But the image end with ‘jpg’ works well. how can I solve it. thanks a lot.


hangxiaotian commented 4 years ago



hangxiaotian commented 4 years ago

I have solve this problem by resizing the image.


ZunxiaoXu commented 4 years ago



没用这份代码了,将input resize成16的倍数试试?

hangxiaotian commented 4 years ago

‘jpg’ works well


hangxiaotian commented 4 years ago



没用这份代码了,将input resize成16的倍数试试?
