BooksHTML / mathbook-assets

Styles and scripts for the Mathbook platform.
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Next button disappears #7

Closed rbeezer closed 10 years ago

rbeezer commented 10 years ago

Firefox Linux, both sidebars disabled (class="has-toc has-sidebar-left" is not present).

Use browser window vertical scrollbar to expose bottom of page. Vertical next button disappears and is inactive. Reproducible on all pages at all times (refresh, etc.).

Can attach a sample page if it would help (and if there is a way to do that) or put on pastebin.

mxdubois commented 10 years ago

Which browser size(s) are we talking about?

(There are instructions for attaching images in the bottom of the comment textbox)

rbeezer commented 10 years ago

Full on desktop size. Now on a longer page, I see it go missing after just a bit of scrolling down (dragging scollbar slider) - so not the bottom, but very early. Happens with a ToC visible, too.

I want to include source (in case my HTML is the problem). Is there no better way than a cut/paste?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!--*                                    *-->
<!--* Generated from MathBook XML source *-->
<!--*    on 2014-07-24T13:14:15-07:00    *-->
<!--*                                    *-->
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,  initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    tex2jax: {
        inlineMath: [['\\(','\\)']]
    TeX: {
        extensions: ["AMSmath.js", "AMSsymbols.js"],
        equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "none",
                           useLabelIds: true,
                           formatID: function (n) {return String(n).replace(/[:'"<>&]/g,"")},
        TagSide: "right",
        TagIndent: ".8em",
    "HTML-CSS": {
        scale: 88,
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$(function () {
    // Make *any* div with class 'sage-compute' an executable Sage cell
    sagecell.makeSagecell({inputLocation: 'div.sage-compute',
                           linked: true,
                           evalButtonText: 'Evaluate'});
$(function () {
    // Make *any* div with class 'sage-display' a visible, uneditable Sage cell
    sagecell.makeSagecell({inputLocation: 'div.sage-display',
                           editor: 'codemirror-readonly',
                           hide: ['evalButton', 'editorToggle', 'language']});
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<h1 class="title">MathBook XML</h1>
<p class="byline">Robert Beezer</p>
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<span class="type">Section</span> <span class="codenumber">2</span> <span class="title">Introduction</span>
</h1></header><p>Problem: Make a good-looking mathematics book (or paper) in an electronic format</p>
<p>Problem: Make it easy to navigate the rich structure of a mathematics book</p>
<p>Problem: Convert one source to multiple output formats</p>
<p>Opportunity: There are great interactive widgets you can put on a web page</p>
<p>Solution: very structured source, easily translated to a variety of outputs — traditional, new and unimagined</p>
<p>Joint Work: David Farmer, Steve Blood, Michael DuBois</p>
<p>Support: UTMOST (NSF Education Grant), Shuttleworth Flash Grant</p></section></div></main>