Bookworm-project / BookwormDB

Tools for text tokenization and encoding
MIT License
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Error catching for field_descriptions uniqueness fails #69

Open bmschmidt opened 9 years ago

bmschmidt commented 9 years ago

Inside the error catching code for people who accidentally specify the wrong type in their field_descriptions.json file, there's a variable referenced before assignment:

JSON Parsing Failed:
{"username": "ecd", "domain": "", "From": " (Elwood C. Downey)", "Sender": "allbery@uunet.UU.NET", "Lines": "1801", "filename": "117819", "date": "1990-03-10T19:35:20+00:00", "Newsgroups": ["comp.sources.misc"], "Date": "10 Mar 90 19:35:20 GMT", "Path": ["utzoo", "attcan", "uunet", "allbery"], "Message-ID": "<80845@uunet.UU.NE
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bookworm/", line 196, in <module>
  File "bookworm/", line 73, in ParseJSONCatalog
    if field['unique'] and isinstance(line[field["field"]],list):
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'line' referenced before assignment