BoomerangDecompiler / boomerang

Boomerang Decompiler - Fighting the code-rot :)
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Do not output error messages in a loop #113

Closed rfalke closed 6 years ago

rfalke commented 6 years ago

Version: boomerang-cli v0.3.99-alpha-1914-ged7a3e1 Exe: Command:

$ boomerang-cli subject.exe  >by_boomerang-ng.out
$ ls -hl by_boomerang-ng.out 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 xxx xxx 675M Oct 28 15:06 by_boomerang-ng.out
$ sort by_boomerang-ng.out | uniq -c | sort -n
1724781 Warn  | src/boomerang/frontend/DefaultFrontEnd. |  257 | Encountered invalid or unrecognized instruction at address 0x0804809a: 0x0F 0xBA 0xE0 0x03
1724880 Error | src/boomerang/frontend/DefaultFrontEnd. |  794 | Disassembled instruction 'BTiod' has 2 arguments, but the instruction has 0 parameters in the RTL dictionary
1724881 Error | src/boomerang/ssl/RTLInstDict.cpp       |  126 | No entry for 'BTIOD' in RTL dictionary
$ objdump -d subject.exe 

subject.exe:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048098 <L-0x12>:
 8048098:       39 ed                   cmp    %ebp,%ebp
 804809a:       0f ba e0 03             bt     $0x3,%eax
 804809e:       73 0a                   jae    80480aa <L>
 80480a0:       c7 05 f4 01 00 00 0a    movl   $0xa,0x1f4
 80480a7:       00 00 00 

080480aa <L>:
 80480aa:       90                      nop

There are other subjects which also have these error messages but this one is the smallest subject.