BoomingTech / Piccolo

Piccolo (formerly Pilot) – mini game engine for games104
MIT License
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Bug Report #474

Open SavourSummer opened 6 months ago

SavourSummer commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug | Bug描述 A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

VS2022 Cmake3.28 运行build window.bat出现错误 Steps to reproduce | 如何复现 Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior | 预期行为 A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


Actual behavior | 实际行为 A clear and concise description of what actually happened.

Screenshots/Logs | 截图/日志 If applicable, add screenshots and/or a video to help explain your problem.

Desktop | 桌面环境

Additional context | 补充信息 Add any other context about the problem here.

SavourSummer commented 6 months ago


thenew01 commented 6 months ago

我也出现了这个问题。如果忽略打开sln,那么编译PiccoloParser会报错: 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: 无法打开文件“D:\codes\piccolo\engine\source\meta_parser\3rd_party\LLVM\lib\x64\libclang.lib” 2>已完成生成项目“PiccoloParser.vcxproj”的操作 - 失败。 此时,检查3rd_party\LLVM目录,下面没有lib目录

SavourSummer commented 6 months ago
