Boomslangnz / OutputBlaster

Project to add output support to various arcade games
11 stars 5 forks source link

small correction to the wacky races ! #7

Closed Cheesmaker closed 8 months ago

Cheesmaker commented 1 year ago

there is a small mistake in the code

UINT8 FFB = helpers->ReadByte(FFBBase + 0x45, false); we need a uint16 to use the direct FFB and the lamp command with mamehooker

Outputs->SetValue(OutputLampStart, !!(lamps & 0x80));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputLampView1, !!(lamps & 0x100));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputPanelLamp, !!(lamps & 0x08));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot1Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x400));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot2Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x10));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot3Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x200));

However, I think the best should be not send this dword (because you have done the job with the lamps) and send directly to the happ drive board the 5 signals (direction and 4 power) to be the most close (because i've found a dead wacky!).

I think it is lamps &0x2000 directiondrive lamps &0x1000 in1drive lamps &0x40 in2drive lamps &0x800 in3drive lamps & 0x20 in4drive

If you do that this arcade game could come alive

Thank you for this very big work output and ffb.

Cheesmaker commented 1 year ago

Hi Boomslangnz,

i've compiled my own version to be the most closed to the real hardware :) :) :). I don't know if my demand will improve for someone else but you should take a uint in place of the uint8 for the complet value FFB and lamp.

I have made test (and maybe with the real thing tomorrow and it seems perfect with the lamps & values i send in the first message.

thanks for all.

Cheesmaker commented 8 months ago

hi Boomslangz,

this wackyraces.cpp code work perfectly with real arcade and output with pacled64 outputffb direction of happ motor controller outbutffb1 fist bit power happ motor controller outputffb2 2 .... outputffb3 3 .... outputffb4 4 ...

Video of the real machine working with it:

/*This file is part of Output Blaster.

Output Blaster is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Output Blaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Output Blaster.If not, see <>.*/

include "WackyRaces.h"

static int WindowsLoop() { INT_PTR lampbase = helpers->ReadIntPtr(0x7E00590, true); INT_PTR lamps = helpers->ReadIntPtr(lampbase + 0x45, false); UINT8 Seatlamp1 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x53, false); UINT8 Seatlamp2 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x51, false); UINT8 Seatlamp3 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x23, false); UINT8 Seatlamp4 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x4D, false); UINT8 Seatlamp5 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x1F, false); UINT8 Seatlamp6 = helpers->ReadByte(lampbase + 0x49, false);

Outputs->SetValue(OutputLampStart, !!(lamps & 0x80));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputLampView1, !!(lamps & 0x100));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputPanelLamp, !!(lamps & 0x08));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot1Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x400));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot2Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x10));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSlot3Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x200));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat1Lamp, !!(Seatlamp1 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat2Lamp, !!(Seatlamp2 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat3Lamp, !!(Seatlamp3 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat4Lamp, !!(Seatlamp4 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat5Lamp, !!(Seatlamp5 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat6Lamp, !!(Seatlamp6 & 0xFF));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputSeat7Lamp, !!(lamps & 0x4000));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputFFB, !!(lamps & 0x2000));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputFFB1, !!(lamps & 0x1000));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputFFB2, !!(lamps & 0x40));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputFFB3, !!(lamps & 0x800));
Outputs->SetValue(OutputFFB4, !!(lamps & 0x20));

return 0;


static DWORD WINAPI OutputsAreGo(LPVOID lpParam) { while (true) { WindowsLoop(); Sleep(SleepA); } }

void WackyRaces::OutputsGameLoop() { if (!init) { Outputs = CreateOutputsFromConfig(); = "Wacky Races"; Outputs->SetGame(m_game); Outputs->Initialize(); Outputs->Attached(); CreateThread(NULL, 0, OutputsAreGo, NULL, 0, NULL); while (GetMessage(&Msg1, NULL, NULL, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg1); DispatchMessage(&Msg1); } init = true; } }

Boomslangnz commented 8 months ago

Great work