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Github gist #571

Open kocoai opened 7 years ago

kocoai commented 7 years ago

Please add sync feature with github gist (like Lepton :P )

kazup01 commented 7 years ago

GitHub gist integration is sounds interesting! Please also check #308 about cloud sync.

kazup01 commented 7 years ago

memo #507 #455

enygma commented 7 years ago

Looks like the API integration with the Gist API ( and a token from the GitHub account wouldn't be too difficult. Though looking over the current features it doesn't look like there's any kind of API interface happening right now so it'd be something new.

I wouldn't think it would even need to be a sync (bi-directional) per-se. Even just a "publish" as a first step would be cool. If I were a better JS developer I'd happily help out on this one.

sanderman123 commented 6 years ago

I think this feature can grow the user base quite substantially because GistBox just announced they close as of December 1st 2017. Their new app - "Cacher" - is so expensive they should have called it "Casher" instead.

It's at least why I ended up here... I would definitely move to Boostnote if I can access my old Gists.

@kocoai thanks, I'll have a look at Lepton as well.

phylor commented 6 years ago

I'm looking into it by creating a prototype. A token based authentication seems to be doable. Will keep you posted 😄

alanjohnson commented 6 years ago

Github Gists sync would be great. IMO, the best way to do that would be to make it so when a user goes to "Add Storage", just allow for a "type" of gists. That would keep it separate from other private, local, of cloud shared folders.

KeithETruesdell commented 6 years ago

Agreed that a GIST would be best! Using Atom.IO, there is a package called Sync-settings ( ) that uses Gists. This may be what you/we are looking for. I like how this package also operates too with Git/Gists and it has an "autodetect" feature that it checks the date when you open it and prompts you for an update.

IssueHuntBot commented 6 years ago

@kazup01 has boosted this issue with $60. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

IssueHuntBot commented 6 years ago

@yhaddad has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

IssueHuntBot commented 6 years ago

@yhaddad has stopped working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

IssueHuntBot commented 6 years ago

@seanclen has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

insanum commented 6 years ago

I agree that support Github Gists would be nice. I would also suggest supported Gitlab Snippets as well. Then notes can be kept private if desired.

MagePsycho commented 5 years ago

Any updates on Gist support in Boostnote? This will take Boostnote to next level I think.

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@juliuszfedyk has funded $10.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@kazup01 has cancelled funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $60.00) See it on IssueHunt

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@issuehuntfest has funded $60.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

sayir commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone. I am still working on this issue. Is here some one, who will test this before pull request and give ideas for new subfeatures?

yos95 commented 5 years ago

hello @Danilborovkov i'm going to test and give ideas for improvement, i find this feature very important

sayir commented 5 years ago

hello @Danilborovkov i'm going to test and give ideas for improvement, i find this feature very important

Please write me to telegram @daniilborovkov when ready.

yos95 commented 5 years ago

@daniilborovkov I am ready but I did not understand how to contact you

sayir commented 5 years ago

My telegram account is like my github account

alanjohnson commented 5 years ago

I'm looking forward to this feature. especially now that free Github accounts can use private gists/repos.

sayir commented 5 years ago

I'm looking forward to this feature. especially now that free Github accounts can use private gists/repos.

I will complete this in week. I have problems with unit testing

janat08 commented 5 years ago

I'll start where @daniilborovkov left off.

reanim8ed commented 4 years ago

Will the new version of BoostNote will eventually have integration with Github Gist?

Flexo013 commented 4 years ago

@reanim8ed Please search (or create) an issue related to that feature request on the repo for that version: