Boran / sage

PHP scripts for interface to the Sage Line 50 database via ODBC
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Working in a web server? #3

Open Indigo21Developers opened 7 years ago

Indigo21Developers commented 7 years ago


Can your code be working when placed in a web server?

We believe everything is working fine when it is in XAMPP localhost only.

How about if it should be placed in a web server hence became a website that can be accessed via network.

Thanks and hope to hear from you.

dansleboby commented 2 years ago

2 options, use Sage on a cloud VM where you have access to internal network or run the webserver on the same cloud VM, you could also open the port to internet throuh firewall or ngrok

Boran commented 2 years ago

A working odbc connection is needed, so typically a windows server. So far I use them directly on the sage windows server. Whether on premises on a VM on the cloud should not make a difference.