Closed Daniel-1597 closed 4 years ago
Hello, could you please copy-paste full error message (not an image) together with some description of your dataset and your usage (what script and parameters you used). Thx
Sir, I am using Gaussian Yolo_V3 which uses bdd data set ( The major issue while converting is that the model is different and the classes are different which are not matching
I tried to change the below line (in line number 133) by adding + 12
out_shape = self.yolo_model.layers[-1].output_shape[-1]
ration_anchors = num_anchors / len(self.yolo_model.output) * (num_classes + 5) + 12
so that out_shape matches when I did this I got the below error
Invalid ArgumentError(see above for trace back):
Input to reshape is a tensor with 14592 values, but the requested shape requires a multiple of 11520 [[ Node: Reshape_3 = Reshape[T =DT_FLOAT, Tshape =DT_INT32, _device="/job:localhost/replica :0/task:0/device :CPU:0"](conv2d_59/BiasAdd, Reshape_3/shape)]]
Number of Classes = 10 The cfg file for the gaussian Yolo and normal are different and classes as well which is creating the error
Hmmm, are you using /Gaussian YOLOv3 model or just their dataset? For nb of classes, you should not need to do any changes in code... you already have num_classes
in the line you tried to edit...
I am using their weights file and converting the weights to .h5
if you are using their weights, then I believe that it is not compatible and you should ask them... :)
Ok thank you sir
This is the error I am facing while testing it on different weights and different anchors and different classes. How to resolve this issue?