Open VladimirAlexiev opened 6 years ago
Also, you report error for syntax-service-01.rq and I'm not sure why. This is a positive syntax test, and the syntax is correct:
SELECT * { SERVICE <g> { ?s ?p ?o } }
Jena goes off to query which fails, and correctly returns Error 503 Backend fetch failed.
I don't know whether you have a special implementation for "syntax-only" tests. In this case you'd need to ask the service "is the syntax of the query correct" and there's no standard way to do this...
172.17.0.X are intern IP of dockers. In my test, I create 4 dockers in same time. One service to test and 3 other for the services necessary in the federated queries.
503... probably an error in the transaction between Fuseki and Virtuoso.
I need to export the logs of docker in the report of the error.
So do you use Virtuoso as the "backend" endpoint for each Fed test? Another option would be to use "self" (i.e. Fuseki when testing Fuseki; Virtuoso when testing Virtuoso...) Considerations
I think. There are 2 options.
Option 1 : I generate automatically the tests of federated query with all the dockers of service SPARQL. And so I can test all the possibility...
Option 2 : I (or anybody) can develop a real mock of SPARQL service. With it we can test correctly the protocol with federated queries...
For the moment, I use Virtuoso... I can change...for example with Jena I can deploy one Virtuoso, one StarDog and Blazegraph in the other services. With Virtuoso : Jena, Blazegraph and StarDog... etc.
Option 2 is the way because relying on other people to keep backend fed services running will lead to disappointment. You describe the "cross-testing" scenario. It's more powerful since will also test compatibility across repositories. However, it's significantly more complex to maintain, and to "attribute" a failure (is it in the SUT frontend repo, or the backend fed repo?)
4 of the Jena Federated tests have failed. reports Error 503 Backend fetch failed. It accesses two other endpoints: and, and one of them has failed.
IT seems to me that one of them has failed. (I tried now, none of them responds, but maybe they are behind a firewall or something)