BorisMoore / jsrender

A lightweight, powerful and highly extensible templating engine. In the browser or on Node.js, with or without jQuery.
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Requiring and using jsrender/jsviews with require.js #309

Closed andream16 closed 7 years ago

andream16 commented 7 years ago

I inherited a big javascript project made with javascript vanilla, jquery and jsviews/jsrender. Since it is made by few files of over 4000 lines of code each and I'm used to work with AngularJS, I'm trying to modularize it using requirejs.

I'm having a weird problem on jsrender/jsviews initialization

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'allowCode' of undefined

In global.js, given by

define(['jquery', 'jsrender'], function($, jsrender){



Before trying to set up require, it used to work and be initialized like


where $.views was an object with settings attribute.

I also tried


but I get the same error.

If I do console.log(jsrender); I get function (a,b){return new n.fn.init(a,b)}

This is my index.html

<script data-main="js/common" src="js/vendors/requirejs/require.js"></script>
  require(['common'], function () {

And this is common.js

    baseUrl : "js",
    paths : {
        jquery   : "vendors/...",
        jsrender : "vendors/..."

Even tho I haven't any configuration problems, this is project's structure

|-- index.html
|-- js
|     -- vendors
|                -- jquery
|                -- jsrender
|     -- global.js
|     -- common.js

What causes this issue? How can I fix this?

Thanks in advance.

BorisMoore commented 7 years ago

The two parameters: jsrender and $ are in fact both the jQuery object. (Your console.log is showing it in minified form).

So you can simply write:

define(['jquery', 'jsrender'], function($){

The effect of requiring 'jsrender' as a dependency is that JsRender is loaded as a jQuery plugin, so the $ object includes the corresponding methods and objects, such as $.views and $.render.

BTW, there are some examples here, but using require, rather than defining new modules:

I see you posted to stackoverflow. I'll wait for your response here before copying this response over to there...

andream16 commented 7 years ago

Hi Boris, thank you for your reply. When I'll be back at work I'll try and let you know. Have a good weekend.

andream16 commented 7 years ago

Hi Boris, I tried what you said $.views.settings.allowCode(true); but I still get Cannot read property 'settings' of undefined. I think this is cause by the fact that the developer who gave me the project imported scripts with defer attribute Githubissues.

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