BorisMoore / jsviews

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Locale sorting #411

Closed boily closed 5 years ago

boily commented 5 years ago

Hi, item names with accents are not sorted correctly. ["école", "professeur"] sort in wrong way. I have tried to replace with return a.v.localeCompare(b.v) > 0 ? reverse : b.v.localeCompare(a.v) > 0 ? -reverse : 0; in the mapped.sort function and it works fine. thanks Roger

BorisMoore commented 5 years ago

Hi Roger,

localeCompare is unfortunately much slower than regular comparison operators, so it would not be a good idea to replace the default sort using your suggested code above.

The recommended approach is to use a custom sort function with localeCompare.

The code below is for a new sample which I will add to the site, showing the use of localeCompare in a custom sort function:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- To run the current sample code in your own environment, copy this to an html page. -->

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<script id="myTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div class="left">
  <label>Localized sort of French words</label>
    {{for words sort=~locale}} {{!-- Sort using a custom helper function with localeCompare() --}}

<div class="left">
  <label>Multilevel sort</label>
    {{for people sort=~multilevel}}  {{!-- Sort using a custom helper function for multi-level sorting --}}
      <li>{{:name}}: ({{:details.role}}) &ndash; age {{:details.age}}</li>

<div id="page"></div>

// Custom sort functions
function localeSort(a, b) {
  // Return 1, -1 or 0 to specify relative position of `a` and `b` in the sort order
  // Localized sort
  return a.localeCompare(b) > 0 ? 1 : b.localeCompare(a) > 0 ? -1 : 0;

function multilevelSort(a, b) {
  // Return 1, -1 or 0 to specify relative position of `a` and `b` in the sort order
  // Sort by role, then by age (descending) then by name
  return level(a.details.role.toLowerCase(), b.details.role.toLowerCase()) // by role
      || level(b.details.age, a.details.age)  // by age
      || level(,; // by name

// Helper function for multi-level sort
function level(aField, bField) {
  return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0;

    locale: localeSort,
    multilevel: multilevelSort

var myTmpl = $.templates("#myTmpl"),

  data = {
      ["maître", "âme", "école", "amour", "absolu",
      "maison", "vôtre", "être", "effort"],
        {name: "Bill", details: {age: 22, role: "Lead"}},
        {name: "Anne", details: {age: 32, role: "Assistant"}},
        {name: "Emma", details: {age: 19.1, role: "Team member"}},
        {name: "Jeff", details: {age: 33.5, role: "Lead"}},
        {name: "Xavier", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}},
        {name: "Julia", details: {age: 18, role: "Assistant"}},
        {name: "Bill", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}}

  html = myTmpl.render(data);


boily commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot Boris, very useful.