BorisPolonsky / dify-helm

Deploy langgenious/dify, an LLM based app on kubernetes with helm chart
MIT License
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pods is pending #37

Closed YYyp99 closed 4 months ago

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago

When I deploy in this way,dify-api,dipy-worker,postgresql-primary,postgresql-read,redis-master,redis-replicas,Their status is all pending,Error message display:0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't find available persistent volumes to bind. preemption: 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.. ,All PVC states are pending

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BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago

Please provide reason that you pod got stuck in pending state (kubectl describe po) and the status of your PV/PVC (kubectl describe pv, kubectl describe pvc. It's likely that your node doesn't meet the requirement to create persistent volume as your values.yaml defined.

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago

Please provide reason that you pod got stuck in pending state (kubectl describe po) and the status of your PV/PVC (kubectl describe pv, kubectl describe pvc. It's likely that your node doesn't meet the requirement to create persistent volume as your values.yaml defined.

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I created a new PV, but it seems like it's not being utilized.

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago

I created a new PV, but it seems like it's not being utilized.

There's no need to create pv or pvc manually as they are all handled by this helm chart by design. What are the status of PersistentVolumes create by this helm chart as kubectl describe pv -n <your-namespace>? What's the version of the cluster and helm?

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago

I created a new PV, but it seems like it's not being utilized.

There's no need to create pv or pvc manually as they are all handled by this helm chart by design. What are the status of PersistentVolumes create by this helm chart as kubectl describe pv -n <your-namespace>? What's the version of the cluster and helm?


This is a PV I created myself, Helm Chart did not create a PV,


the version of the cluster


the version of helm

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago

@YYyp99 So you've manually created a PersistentVolume named dify-postgresql-primary in namespace default which is claimed by redis-data-my-release-redis-master-0. This suggests that:

We may need a copy of your values.yaml (without actual credential data) and your start up command to identify the cause of two issues

PS: If you want to create PV manually for redis or postgresql, please look into existingClaim in .Values.yaml

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago

@YYyp99 So you've manually created a PersistentVolume named dify-postgresql-primary in namespace default which is claimed by redis-data-my-release-redis-master-0. This suggests that:

  • The dynamic provisioning feature works fine, which rules out possible causes as bitnami described here. (Component redis and postgresql are defined as dependency of bitnami helm charts.)
  • bitnami/redis failed to create a PersistentVolume as expected with your setup, and its PVC claims your manually created PV that were meant for postgresql with storage class NFS, which is not ideal for redis. You may need to specify storage class explicitly to prevent such cases. (e.g. .Values.redis.master.persistence.storageClass, .Values.redis.replica.persistence.storageClass, api.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClass)

We may need a copy of your values.yaml (without actual credential data) and your start up command to identify the cause of two issues

  • no PersistentVolume were created by this chart or bitnami depdendency
  • PVC claims unexpected PV(wrong PV instance + wrong storage class)

PS: If you want to create PV manually for redis or postgresql, please look into existingClaim in .Values.yaml

I successfully created PVs and PVCs on my own, and all pods are in the running state.


However, when I try to use the web service and execute kubectl port-forward service/my-release-dify-web 8888:3000, I cannot access it in the browser. When I use curl on the server, I encounter an error.

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago


AFAIK there's no such service forwarding mechanism. One could only forward connections to specific pod. The last few line from stdout upon helm install should demonstrate how one would achieve it.

We still need a copy of values.yaml in order to replicate this issue. Or we shall conclude that it's not a bug but a user end configuration error.

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago


AFAIK there's no such service forwarding mechanism. One could only forward connections to specific pod. The last few line from stdout upon helm install should demonstrate how one would achieve it.

We still need a copy of values.yaml in order to replicate this issue. Or we shall conclude that it's not a bug but a user end configuration error.

Thank you very much. The version of dify you provided is 0.4.9. Is there a Helm Chart available for the latest version of dify, version 0.5.7?

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago

@YYyp99 AFAIK there's no such service forwarding mechanism. One could only forward connections to specific pod. The last few line from stdout upon helm install should demonstrate how one would achieve it. We still need a copy of values.yaml in order to replicate this issue. Or we shall conclude that it's not a bug but a user end configuration error.

Thank you very much. The version of dify you provided is 0.4.9. Is there a Helm Chart available for the latest version of dify, version 0.5.7?

What's new in 0.5.7 that could not be set up with this version of helm charts by changing image in .Values.yaml

YYyp99 commented 4 months ago

image in .Values.yaml

I haven't used it yet. What I mean is, if I want to use version 0.5.7, do I just need to change the version of the image in Values. yaml, and the remaining configuration doesn't need to be changed

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago

image in .Values.yaml

I haven't used it yet. What I mean is, if I want to use version 0.5.7, do I just need to change the version of the image in Values. yaml, and the remaining configuration doesn't need to be changed

This chart allows you to substitute images with these config defined in .Values in case you are in an environment without access to docker hub and need to pull image from another registry. We haven't test this chart in 0.5.x yet but we haven't seen any breaking change in official dify release note. You may have a try in non production environment first.

BorisPolonsky commented 4 months ago


AFAIK there's no such service forwarding mechanism. One could only forward connections to specific pod. The last few line from stdout upon helm install should demonstrate how one would achieve it.

We still need a copy of values.yaml in order to replicate this issue. Or we shall conclude that it's not a bug but a user end configuration error.

@YYyp99 Since no .Values.yaml were provided and we could not replicate this issue, we shall conclude that it's a user end configuration error. Closing this issue.