Borsdata-Sweden / API

Börsdata API documentation
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Irregular use of Capital letters in OpenApi definition and API response #8

Open sterin71 opened 3 years ago

sterin71 commented 3 years ago

I've used Swagger codegen to create a client in Python.

But when implementing the reading of report data I noticed issues with the ReportV1 definition and API response:

  1. The OpenApi ReportV1 definition is not consistent with usage of capital letters, some fields are all lowercase, while some fields use uppercase for first letter in word. BTW also odd anomaly the usage of underscore in this part of definition but not in the rest.

  2. The actually response from the API call is not consistent with the OpenApi definition, which means that the Swagger client can't import the values since the field names doesn't match.

  3. There are two fields that doesn't exist in the OpenApi definition but exists in the API response.

  4. There is one field that doesn't exist in the API response but exists in the definition.

Se attach excel file for details. API ReportV1 bugs.xlsx

henrikbergstrom commented 3 years ago

Thanks, We will look at why this happens, /Henrik