BoschSmartHome / bosch-shc-api-docs

Bosch Smart Home Controller Local REST API
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Get the humidity state of a thermostat and a twinguard #28

Closed jensflorian closed 4 years ago

jensflorian commented 4 years ago

Version 9.16 has introduced relative humidity to room thermostats and twinguard, which are now shown in the room view of the app. How do you get these states within the REST API?

philbuettner commented 4 years ago

Hi jensflorian,

currently you can only request the humidity of a twinguard with /devices/hdm:ZigBee:[id]/services/AirQualityLevel/state (see -> Twinguard)

Kind regards Phil

jensflorian commented 4 years ago

Hi Phil, thanks for the response. I own only room thermostats. Hopefully humidity state for these will be available soon. Kind regards jensflorian

philbuettner commented 4 years ago

Hi Jens,

ok I will add this point to our feature requests and reopen it. If we have this feature available, I will let you know via this issue. Unfortunately I can't tell you right now, when this will happen.

Kind regards, Phil

philbuettner commented 4 years ago

Hi Jens,

could you please check the following: GET -> {{shc_api}}/devices/{{id of your wall thermostat}}/services/HumidityLevel/state

or to check which services are currently available on this device:

GET -> {{shc_api}}/devices/{{id of your wall thermostat}}/services/

Thank you in advance! Phil

philbuettner commented 4 years ago

Ok, meanwhile I was able to test it by myself and it is already available in the production version. I will update the documentation regarding the wall thermostat soon.

If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Kind regards Phil

jensflorian commented 4 years ago

I had to use GET -> {{IP}}/smarthome/devices/{{id of your wall thermostat}}/services/HumidityLevel/state which returned { "@type": "humidityLevelState", "humidity": 38.0 } and for services { "@type": "DeviceServiceData", "id": "HumidityLevel", "deviceId": "hdm:HomeMaticIP:3014F711A000289A185B21CB", "state": { "@type": "humidityLevelState", "humidity": 38.0 }, "path": "/devices/hdm:HomeMaticIP:3014F711A000289A185B21CB/services/HumidityLevel" },

So, yes it is already available (and hopefully soon also accessible through node-red-contrib-bosch-shc).

Thank you for looking into this. Kind regards jensflorian

philbuettner commented 4 years ago

The documentation is now up2date: -> Wall Thermostat