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Bosch Smart Home Controller Local REST API
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Bosch Smart Home Basis/Bridge/Controller 2 in Iobroker ? #71

Closed Matzeonom closed 1 year ago

Matzeonom commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

after exchange of Controller Ver.1 to the new Ver.2 I ran into trouble. Neither Google was able to help, nor every solution posted so far on Ver.1 worked out. No chance to connect Controller II to Iobroker. Classical message: Start pairing. Activate pairing on Bosch Smart Home Controller by pressing button until flashing.

Anybody suffering from the same ? Furthermore: Any solutions ??

Thanks in advance

tschamm commented 1 year ago

Did you try to press the button just shortly?

Matzeonom commented 1 year ago

I tried both - short press and long press - resulting in either one LED flashing and 2 LED flashing. Both with same disappointing result... My major concern: the new version II is simple not working with Iobroker... Anyone, how made it working here ?