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Bosch Smart Home Controller Local REST API
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Camera services documentation #92

Open david-pace opened 7 months ago

david-pace commented 7 months ago


previously, security cameras such as the Eyes camera exposed three services:

but since the last Smart Home Controller update the PrivacyMode service is gone. Consequently, the cameras can not be switched on and off anymore. Was the service removed on purpose (I hope not)? And if so, is there an alternative?

Also, it would be great if you could add operations for all camera services in the Open API documentation and the Postman collection (currently, only the PrivacyMode service is listed there).

Thank you very much πŸ™‚

tschamm commented 7 months ago

I had the same issue, but the learned that Bosch Camera App was just not connected in Bosch Smart Home App anymore. Please check if the camera is available in the Smart Home App.

david-pace commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the response @tschamm πŸ‘ As far as I can see all my cameras are still connected to the Bosch Smart Home app. Also, if I query the services of an Eyes camera at /devices/{{device_id}}/services, I get:

        "@type": "DeviceServiceData",
        "id": "CameraNotification",
        "deviceId": "hdm:Cameras:device id",
        "path": "/devices/hdm:Cameras:device id/services/CameraNotification"
        "@type": "DeviceServiceData",
        "id": "CameraLight",
        "deviceId": "hdm:Cameras:device id",
        "state": {
            "@type": "cameraLightState",
            "value": "OFF"
        "path": "/devices/hdm:Cameras:device id/services/CameraLight"

so it looks like the PrivacyMode state is missing. Also, I can not control the CameraNotification as before, so something seems to be wrong.

Could you please check if PrivacyMode is listed if you query your camera(s)? Thank you πŸ™‚

tschamm commented 7 months ago

I just checked for my system. I have the software 10.18.3249-29469 installed, and I see all three services for the Camera.

        "@type": "device",
        "rootDeviceId": "xx",
        "id": "hdm:Cameras:xx",
        "deviceServiceIds": [
        "manufacturer": "BOSCH",
        "roomId": "hz_1",
        "deviceModel": "CAMERA_EYES",
        "serial": "XX",
        "profile": "GENERIC",
        "name": "HaustΓΌr",
        "status": "AVAILABLE",
        "childDeviceIds": [],
        "supportedProfiles": []
david-pace commented 7 months ago

Thanks for checking this :+1: I have exactly the same software version, but in my output the PrivacyMode service was missing:

        "@type": "device",
        "rootDeviceId": "xx",
        "id": "hdm:Cameras:xx",
        "deviceServiceIds": [
        "manufacturer": "BOSCH",
        "roomId": "hz_4",
        "deviceModel": "CAMERA_EYES",
        "serial": "XX",
        "profile": "GENERIC",
        "name": "Name",
        "status": "UNAVAILABLE",
        "childDeviceIds": [],
        "supportedProfiles": []

Now I actively deleted a camera and re-added it (I had to re-authenticate again)...and suddenly the PrivacyMode services are back (for all cameras) πŸ™‚ Maybe someone from Bosch can explain why I still saw the cameras with two available services, although the cameras were in fact not available (they were available in the Smart Camera app, but not in the Smart Home App)?

Whatever the case, the issue with the missing PrivacyMode service is now solved. What is left to do is to add the documentation for CameraLight and CameraNotification to the Open API documentation and the Postman collection.

tschamm commented 1 month ago

@david-pace I encountered the same error today again. I can see all cameras, however the service CameraNotification is just missing. It seems the Camera Cloud has some problems reporting the features of the camera via the API. Removing/Adding the camera from the Bosch SmartHome Controller and the Bosch SmartCamera App did not help making the service appear again... Anyone from Bosch can help here?

beilm commented 1 week ago

@david-pace I encountered the same error today again. I can see all cameras, however the service CameraNotification is just missing. It seems the Camera Cloud has some problems reporting the features of the camera via the API. Removing/Adding the camera from the Bosch SmartHome Controller and the Bosch SmartCamera App did not help making the service appear again... Anyone from Bosch can help here?

I have also noticed the problem with the CameraNotification Service for a while now. Reconnecting the camera service, resetting the camera completely and connecting it again does not help...