Closed Bobnova closed 3 years ago
Agreed. This is a can of worms I don't look forward to opening. On f0 they were sharing a dma stream with dshot. Obviously on f4 that won't be an issue, bit some thought needs to go into supporting both MCU or dropping f0
Should we revisit this concept now with what we know about the dma2 hardware bug on f4? this feature potentially significantly impacts looptime performance for "pretty lights" since we have to fire gpio ports sequentially. Sounds like a very un-quicksilvery thing to do. In theory, a fc with all motor pins on the same gpio could have enough time to fire off rgb led next as long as gyro is the ahb dma2 counterpart on spi1 ... but if it is blackbox on spi1 - it could bust an 8k board back down to 4k. Boards with more than 1 motor pin gpio will all most certainly be affected in max looptime performance no matter what. I am tempted to say quicksilver doesnt care about pretty lights and just vote to drop rgb
Having mixed feeling on this again. With some f405 boards dropping back to 4k anyway due to motor pins on multiple ports, why not use some of the dead time to fire pretty leds. Maybe I will do this some day when there is nothing else to do
People like RGB LEDs, supporting them on F4 and having pads for them on G4 seems like a good idea.