BosslandGmbH / BuddyWing

BuddyWing is the bot for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This repository contains the open-source components that power the bot.
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Save Settings button doesn't save window position #12

Closed LazyJedi closed 8 years ago

LazyJedi commented 8 years ago
  1. move bot window
  2. press [save settings] button
  3. press [reload] button
  4. bot window moves to the previous position
aevitas commented 8 years ago

Will be fixed in the next drop, currently only character and global settings are saved by the save settings button, which shouldn't be the case.

CryoGenesisX commented 8 years ago

Also doesnt save the status of the plugins which i want activated or deactivated. For instance the plugin Openlockboxes!

aevitas commented 8 years ago

@CryoGenesisX That's weird. We're currently calling CharacterSettings.Save(), which does the following:

        var enabled = PluginManager.GetEnabledPlugins();
        if (enabled.Count() != 0)
            EnabledPlugins = new List<string>(enabled);

Therefore, the state of plugins should be stored properly. Are you sure?

Other than that, the code to address this issue is in place. If the plugins really aren't stored properly, please open a separate issue for that and I'll look further into it.