BosslandGmbH / BuddyWing

BuddyWing is the bot for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This repository contains the open-source components that power the bot.
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bug: UseItem doesn't change state correctly #63

Open derFalke opened 7 years ago

derFalke commented 7 years ago

UseItem doesn't change state correctly, if the step is finished (in this example below) the bot is still not returning to the next step, the bot still waits and waits and waits. Stopping bot and starting again only works.... (Examplecode for Daily Section X).

example code without "< or >" ... UseItem QuestId="0xE00061A2FB4BB40A" Item="Serum Injector" OnObject="Hyperbeast" WaitTime="5" UseRange="20" BranchId="1" StepId="5" Hotspots Hotspot Name="Hyperbeast" X="103.3847" Y="14.70244" Z="-224.5459" /> /Hotspots /UseItem ...

CryoGenesisX commented 7 years ago

Useitem needs to be used inside a while statement not an if statement. Have you tried that?

derFalke commented 7 years ago

hmmm no, i will try it out, give you feedback in 10 min a simple while will do it ?

derFalke commented 7 years ago

sorry, no change ....

CryoGenesisX commented 7 years ago

Then Aevitas has to pick it up. Is it one of the quests where a red/neutral mob turns friendly after usage of the item?

derFalke commented 7 years ago

this is one of quest, it doesn't work , but i can tell you more quests where it doesn't work later you have to take

                UseItem QuestId="0xE00061A2FB4BB40A" Item="Shackle Remote" OnObject="Trandoshan Prisoner"  BranchId="1" StepId="3" Amount="5" WaitTime="5" UseRange="4"
                    <otspot Name="Hyperbeast" X="85.03783" Y="15.66078" Z="-165.4537" /

there it would be suitable if i could use it on "more than one object" Onobjects ....

in the first example with red/Neutral mob it should be stepid 4 btw.. not 5