BostonPython / studygroup

Prototype Application to allow creation of study groups within a given Meetup group
MIT License
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Groups should have some kind of location #4

Open nedbat opened 10 years ago

maxrothman commented 10 years ago

Shouldn't events have locations instead?

nedbat commented 10 years ago

I thought of the group as a recurring event. So instead of having each event have a location, the group would have a location. Maybe that's not a good way to do it?

maxrothman commented 10 years ago

In that case, wouldn't groups need to have information to indicate when the next meeting is as well?

To devil's-advocate for a moment, users are already familiar with the ideas of "groups" and "events", and using "group" to mean "recurring event" might be confusing.

nedbat commented 10 years ago

You make a good point. Let me think about that.

AlexFrazer commented 9 years ago

I am working on this now. However, google places seems to have a limit on the number of requests which could be made, and that limit is very small (200). I was thinking of having a database model which stored a google places json, but not sure if that is the best decision (I am but a lowly college student beginner). Suggestions? Should I just keep the location model generic and without use of external libraries?

maxrothman commented 9 years ago

I think you're overcomplicating things. You can just link to google maps (or embed it), then the user is making the request and there's no request limit. Just store something you can use to make a google maps URL out of.

Here are some examples of valid google maps URLs: