Botffy / polyskel

Straight skeleton implementation in Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Question: implementation Stefan Huber's algorithm #13

Closed vvoovv closed 4 years ago

vvoovv commented 4 years ago

Have you thought of implementing Stefan Huber's algorithm mentioned in the README file?

Botffy commented 4 years ago

Well, sometimes I've entertained the thought of creating something better, yes. But it's a complicated problem, and not really my expertise. And there are alternatives available, though AFAIK not in Python.

Huber's solution STALGO is available by contacting Martin Held

vvoovv commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the answer!

I always had that method in mind. But I only managed to create a straight skeleton for convex polygons without holes where only edge events occur.