BottlecapDave / HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy

Unofficial Home Assistant integration for interacting with Octopus Energy
MIT License
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Heat pump support #811

Closed lwis closed 2 months ago

lwis commented 3 months ago

Describe the feature

The Octopus API exposes basic heat pump controls, it would be great to expose these as a climate entity!

Expected behaviour

Heat pump controls from Home Assistant

Use Case

To control the heating from Home Assistant


Meatballs1 commented 2 months ago

This is just pivoting requests via octopus to the onecta cloud? Just install the Daikin onecta integration and do it direct?

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

Hello and sorry for the late response.

As @Meatballs1 mentioned it would probably be best to use a more native integration as it might even be local. Does an integration already exist for your heat pump @lwis or is this a bespoke OE heatpump? There seems to be quite a lot of heat pump related APIs, so there is a question of what features are most requested other than all of them :)

As there hasn't been any demand other than yourself and I don't have one myself, it would be quite low down on my list to implement this.

neildsb commented 2 months ago

try this one

seanmaskey commented 2 months ago

Hi Thanks for looking at this and the suggestions.

Other posts I have seen have discussed short cycles, but in the context of setting on & off range of thermostats, not 2 interacting controls.

I have a Kensa pump installed 8y ago. it certainly doesn't have an API; it is simply controlled by switching the motorised valves on the flow circuits, & their switches operate the heat pump.

from a quick look at the Daikin repo, it appears to expose the system logs, rather than controls, but I may be wrong.

the less than optimal performance with the pump, ie short cycling, occurs because 2 independent parameters are interacting - see crude diagram attached.

HP temp.pdf

The 'stat can trigger the heat pump when the HA sensor is about to turn it off. This will apply to any motor, that uses the flow it produces for cooling, not just heat pumps. Being able to inhibit the on signal from the thermostat, if the agile sensor is about to turn off again, would reduce short cycling. This would need to look ahead to the next agile slot. the integration has a next rate entity, but what is needed is the NEXT state of the specific eg an 8hrs target rate sensor. if you think this could be extracted from the info in the existing entities & sensors, could you point me in the right direction please as I'm not a coder.



lwis commented 2 months ago

@BottlecapDave this is for a Daikin heat pump installed by Octopus, for which they provide a really basic API abstraction. Looking closer at what's currently exposed it's probably not worth the effort!

Daikin are making it harder and harder to access their devices, so this could be something worth revisiting in the (hopefully distant) future!