BottlecapDave / HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy

Unofficial Home Assistant integration for interacting with Octopus Energy
MIT License
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Previous day peak and off-peak consumption and costs showing as zero #816

Closed apbarratt closed 2 months ago

apbarratt commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

The electric consumption and cost for the previous day is only showing totals, not the peak and off-peak values.

For a long time, my current consumption and rates seemed to have stopped updating but this seems to have fixed itself in some update recently so that's nice. As it was working again, I decided to reintroduce my gauges for yesterday's usage too. I'm particularly keen to show where we have used too much energy during peak times to try and encourage better usage today but it seems this data is being set to zero.

I'm guessing this is a limitation Octopus has introduced but figured I'd log an issue just in case.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 12 15 08

Reproduction steps

With a tariff such as Intelligent Octopus Go, featuring a binary peak and off-peak rate, observe the sensors for yesterday's usage appear as zero. The total consumption and cost is working as expected.

Expected behaviour

Peak and off-peak usage sensors for yesterday should show the breakdown of the previous period's usage and cost.

Tariff Code


Integration Version


Home Assistant Version


Fresh Install?

Not specified

Home Assistant Logs

Happy to provide if pointed in direction of anything particular that may help :)


FalconUK commented 2 months ago

Noticed the same, as of 02/04/24.

paulmthomas2 commented 2 months ago

Same issues as reported above - all consumption showing peak since 1st April. Thanks

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

Hello and sorry you're seeing this.

Just to confirm this is with the previous consumption/cost based sensors?

FalconUK commented 2 months ago

Hi Dave,

Yes, the following sensors are reporting 0.0.

previous_accumulative_cost_peak previous_accumulative_cost_off_peak previous_accumulative_consumption_peak previous_accumulative_consumption_off_peak

The 'total' consumption and cost sensors are still working okay.



TiberiusDarkforge commented 2 months ago

I am also experiencing this issue, with the Peak and Off-peak sensors showing 0, while the Daily Total is still working.

Screenshot_2024-04-07-02-39-09-33_c3a231c25ed346e59462e84656a70e50 IMG_20240407_023611

apbarratt commented 2 months ago

Update received, thank you muchly :) I can confirm that by Yesterday that yes, I mean the ones labelled as "previous", which I've assumed to mean the previous day, but perhaps I'm wrong there.

After the update the values in question are still showing as zero, but I've not given it very long for any new data to trickle in and of course it might prove to not update until tomorrow, so I'll try and remember to give an update later. Forgive my ADHD brain making me awful and replying in a timely manner! Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 11 54 45

HarryFlatter commented 2 months ago

Hi Dave,

Sorry, but just to compound this problem, the same issue also applies to the previous export entities:

export_previous_accumulative_consumption_peak export_previous_accumulative_cost_peak export_previous_accumulative_consumption_off_peak export_previous_accumulative_cost_off_peak

As with the 'import' entities, I can confirm that the Totals are still working fine.

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

No problem, they're all the same sensor. I believe I've tracked down the issue, so the fix should be available in the next release.

FalconUK commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the update @BottlecapDave :)

TiberiusDarkforge commented 2 months ago

Really appreciate your efforts and support. You do an amazing job. Thank you.

HarryFlatter commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the update @BottlecapDave. Great job! We'll look forward to the next update.

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

This should now be fixed as part of v10.3.0

HarryFlatter commented 2 months ago

Brilliant job Dave - thanks very much :-)