BottlecapDave / HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy

Unofficial Home Assistant integration for interacting with Octopus Energy
MIT License
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v10.2.1 Missing Octopus Mini Entities #830

Closed wilki2208 closed 1 month ago

wilki2208 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

I upgraded to V10.2.1 last night and found all my Octopus Mini entities became unavailable. Today I downgraded to v.10.1.4 and my entities started working again as expected.

Reproduction steps

  1. Have an Octopus Mini
  2. Upgrade to V10.2.1
  3. Octopus Mini entities become unavailable.

Expected behaviour

Octopus Mini entities to show live data.

Tariff Code


Integration Version


Home Assistant Version

Home Assistant 2023.9.3

Fresh Install?

After upgrading

Home Assistant Logs



alfwro13 commented 2 months ago

I'm on 10.2.1 but on Agile tariff and my Octopus Mini entities are fine.

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

Hello and sorry you're having issues.

Nothing has changed with how the OE mini entities are created or how data is requested. Do you have any errors in your logs when the entities were unavailable?

If not, could you run the integration in debug mode and reload the integration and look in your logs for the text account: { as this will be the raw response coming back from OE which might indicate what's going wrong.

iambenmitchell commented 2 months ago

I am also having this issue. I have deleted the integration and added it again, now I am only getting 3 entities for energy and none of them are useful :/

Entities I am getting now:


I have an Octopus Home Mini too, and the box is checked.

I used to have a widget to show live energy usage, but this is broken now. image

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

Do you have any errors in your logs when the entities were unavailable?

If not, could you run the integration in debug mode and reload the integration and look in your logs for the text account: { as this will be the raw response coming back from OE which might indicate what's going wrong.

Without more information there isn't much for me to go on.

My guess is the OE API is not providing all of the information that has been requested.

wilki2208 commented 2 months ago

Do you have any errors in your logs when the entities were unavailable?

If not, could you run the integration in debug mode and reload the integration and look in your logs for the text account: { as this will be the raw response coming back from OE which might indicate what's going wrong.

Without more information there isn't much for me to go on.

My guess is the OE API is not providing all of the information that has been requested.

Not able to find anything with account when I turn on debug and reload the plugin even after waiting 10 mins, the entities just show "unavailable". I can also replicate the issue 100% of the time by upgrading and then downgrading to fix.

Do you have a way for me to contact you so I can better asist?

BottlecapDave commented 2 months ago

The partial log you're searching for is [custom_components.octopus_energy.api_client] account: and should appear once the integration is reloaded or after around 60 minutes. If this isn't present, then it might be your account information includes errors returned by HA, in which case I'm looking for a log along the lines of [custom_components.octopus_energy.api_client] Errors in request.

If you're unable to find these logs, then please turn on debug via the instructions in the FAQ, wait around 65 minutes, then turn it off which should produce a logs file. These logs might include sensitive information, so please sanitise as you wish and then either post it here or email me at if you feel more comfortable with that.

StormOli commented 2 months ago

I had the same issue and was getting the following error in the logs

2024-04-22 15:06:19.571 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform octopus_energy.sensor: Platform not found (cannot import name 'ServiceValidationError' from 'homeassistant.exceptions' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/

I updated to the latest version of home assistant and everything worked as it should.

wilki2208 commented 1 month ago

Looks to have resolved after upgrading to latest HA version

BottlecapDave commented 1 month ago

Closing due to lack of activity and it looks like it's resolved by upgrading to latest version of HA.