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[IDEA] CSS Frameworks/UI/Experience/Branding #12

Open jkbicbic opened 5 years ago

jkbicbic commented 5 years ago

Good morning everyone.

Although this would be our pet project, I would like for us to go an extra mile on how should this project end up looking or feeling.

We discussed earlier that we will use UIKIT framework(well unofficially) so we can ship a prototype faster.


We will also use Webpack for managing our frontend assets(only SCSS for now)


I believe we can create a much better product through brainstorming and collaboration so don't hesitate to post some Inspirations(no pun intended) here 😉

NOTE: I will create issues for each iteration of our mockups

kenkoii commented 5 years ago

Please make a simple logo @jkbicbic

jkbicbic commented 4 years ago

for now, I don't want to focus on a logo, since it will take much time and I think that it's cherry on top of what we should be doing.

So I came up with 3 ideas for layout and I want you guys to check which is the best for us.

The first one is the standard vertical layout


This is quite easy to do and basic user experience of scrolling up and down. There might be a problem of displaying wide content on mobile but I think it would be of little concern.

The second one is the horizontal layout still easy to do and simple


And the last is the Pinterest layout or masonry.


this last one is quite sexy to look at but we need some frontend coding in order to achieve this

so what do you guys think? @kenkoii @rbo13

we could just start simple with layout 1 or 2 then try upgrading to layout 3 later in the development