Bouke / HAP

Swift implementation of the Homekit Accessory Protocol
MIT License
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IPCamera #95

Open Brunz opened 4 years ago

Brunz commented 4 years ago

Could you create an IPCamera type accessory? I didn't understand how to do it

Bouke commented 4 years ago

That's a good question actually. It seems we don't have the proper accessories / services / characteristics to do that. Those types are generated from a framework, but on my machine (latest Catalina), those types aren't present or we're not looking in the right place.

Brunz commented 4 years ago

Actually there are some in the framework, but I couldn't understand why they are not imported by hap-update. I created them manually, I see the video window on homekit, but I have problems starting the video. Maybe I don't correctly insert the bytes (tlv8). Sorry for my English.

Brunz commented 4 years ago

This is an example of what is found in "plain-metadata.config" and which is not imported: `camera-rtp-stream-management

Characteristics Optional active Required selected-stream-configuration setup-stream-endpoint streaming-status supported-audio-stream-configuration supported-rtp-configuration supported-video-stream-configuration DefaultDescription Camera Stream Management LocalizationKey ShortUUID 00000110 `
Bouke commented 4 years ago

We only emit the characteristics that are actually in use by a service. You can remove && whitelistedCharacteristics.contains(name) on this line, so at least you get all the characteristics:

However you still wouldn't have a pre-made accessory and service, as those are not listed in that framework. Can you share what your configuration looks like so far, to get them listed in the Home app?

Brunz commented 4 years ago

Great Bouke! "camera-rtp-stream-management" is a Service and YES this is in the "BlacklistFromApplications". I make a change to the inspector and try to import again.

The test implementation is attached to the message.

Brunz commented 4 years ago

ok, I have removed camera-rtp-stream-management from blacklistAppServices

if var index = blacklistAppServices.firstIndex(where: {$0 == "camera-rtp-stream-management"}){ blacklistAppServices.remove(at: index) }

..and now I have Service and Characteristics into Generated.swift

After I modified the file "CharacteristicValueType" in this way:

extension Data: CharacteristicValueType, JSONValueTypeConvertible { public init?(value: Any) { //fatalError("How does deserialization of Data work?") if let v = value as? String, let vd = Data(base64Encoded: v){ self = vd } return nil } static public let format = public var jsonValueType: JSONValueType { //fatalError("How does serialization of Data work?") return self.base64EncodedString() } }

and now I'm at the point of before :) But it's much cleaner

Bouke commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity; what does your code look like now to initialize the camera accessory?

Brunz commented 4 years ago

this: acc.append(Accessory.RTPCamera(info: Service.Info(name: "Camera", serialNumber: "00012"))) Append the accessory "RTPCamera" in Device.accessories array

And intercept "resource" in router func, for send camera snapshot to controller: func router(_ routes: [Route]) -> Responder { return { connection, request in if(request.url.path == "/resource"){ ...

The preview is ok now, the streaming rtsp still no.

Schermata 2019-12-18 alle 21 17 58
Brunz commented 4 years ago

But maybe I make some mistakes, because the controller should send me a response to the configuration of the Camera, but I don't see. If you want I can send the project, but it is compiled only on iOS.

joshsnelling commented 4 years ago

@Brunz Did you ever get this to work?

Brunz commented 4 years ago

Hi @joshsnelling ,

I implemented all the missing piece of protocol but I was unable to send the video in the correct format. I have also tried using ffmpeg for iOS to configure RTS streaming, but there are too many properties to configure and I am not an expert.

poldueta commented 4 years ago

@Brunz Hi! Any progress with camera accessory implementation?