Boulder-Cryogenic-Quantum-Testbed / scresonators

Data analysis code for cryogenic resonator measurement
MIT License
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Added choice between plot file types or choice not to save fit #184

Closed scottito closed 10 months ago

scottito commented 10 months ago

Also: Closed #76 by moving parameter csv creation out of fit(), changed color of resonance star in plot (#183) and set it to go on top in the side graphs, removed x and y lims to accommodate high asymmetry fits, Fixed #177, moved linting to occur after testing.


plotType = # options include 'pdf', 'png', 'svg', or None if you do not want to plot.
output_params, conf_array, error, init = # Default is 'pdf'
scottito commented 10 months ago


scottito commented 10 months ago

Need to check on scaling because those side graphs don't make sense