Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Alpha-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Alpha
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flying mini #101

Open AlexanderWardlow opened 5 years ago

AlexanderWardlow commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Bug caused when two players hold minis in one place, effect is two flying minis that go off screen.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Player1 holds mini in air (i.e. selected for a move without yet placing)
  2. Player2 holds mini in air (i.e. selected for a move without yet placing)
  3. Player2 hold mini in same spot at player1.
  4. Minis of Player1 and Player2 rise up into the air rapidly.

Screenshots/Videos/Twitch Clips image image image image

Additional context Appears to happen no mater what the circumstance. i.e. does not matter if there is other floors, or what type of tiles/area they are in.

cbaggers commented 5 years ago

Wow nice one. I'm amazed we havent hit this yet in testing. We'll get on this.

cbaggers commented 5 years ago

Internal issue