Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Alpha-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Alpha
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Bed line of sight bug #109

Open AlexanderWardlow opened 5 years ago

AlexanderWardlow commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Bed line of sight/visibility bug. Players become invisible to all of those in the room when they step on a bed. While on the bed, no player has line of sight unless also on a bed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place 1 mini on bed
  2. Place another mini on floor (same layer as bed)
  3. in player mode, the mini on bed is invisible

Screenshots/Videos/Twitch Clips GM view image

Player view image

cbaggers commented 5 years ago

Weird.. Thanks once again for the excellent reports. I'll be able to recreate this and see what's going on.

I have a prototype for a new way of handling the line of sight that will fix this, but before then I want to tweak what we have so this works.
