Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Beta-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Beta
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Small Feature Suggestion: Green Height Grid/Plane Display #1015

Open T-Reezy-Spire opened 2 years ago

T-Reezy-Spire commented 2 years ago


It would be super helpful for GMs (and potentially players too?) to be able to see a physical representation of the Green Slider's height in the game world. Basically, as you slide the green slider, a transparent green grid moves along the Z-axis showing you in the physical board space where the slider is set.

Why? Because the Green Slider can be confusing - it's super helpful and necessary - but it's not a common feature that people interact with in other VTTs or video games. Helping users quickly visualize where the Green slider is set to will speed up placement and improve the accuracy of placement. Useful in build and play mode.