Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Beta-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Beta
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Mouse-Skittering on Object Movement #891

Open GSchroederSwade opened 3 years ago

GSchroederSwade commented 3 years ago

While moving one object over another, the cursor location- and the object held by the cursor- seem to skitter across the screen. This is most notable and easiest to see when dealing with lots of objects; namely trees, as I was attempting to make a forest.

To Reproduce

  1. get a bunch of objects
  2. take another object and attempt to drag it over your bunch of objects. If this doesn't work with general objects, try it with trees.
  3. suffer

Screenshots/Videos/Twitch Clips I'm afraid I don't have any videos, and screenshots really don't get the point across here.

ugly2632 commented 3 years ago

it sounds like you it is a clipping issue, or in this case a LACK of clipping issue.

Try holding down shift after you place a tree. I believe, because you're not telling the program to "clip" into things, it's trying to move the item to the top of whatever it's rubbing against.