Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Beta-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Beta
33 stars 17 forks source link


Closed DRPAYNE244 closed 3 years ago

DRPAYNE244 commented 3 years ago

To whom it may concern:

I have really enjoyed the game in the first few hours. I look forward to hosting and joining DnD campaigns in the future. I wanted to see what you all though about opening a feed for an open dialog about game improvements/ concepts. ( not just bugs/ glitches).


Here are a few ideas that I wanted to get some feed back about. (I hope no offence comes to anyone on the dev. staff.)

LuPro commented 3 years ago

Feedback/feature requests are better suited in the discord, I'll go through them here as well though:

Also: no offence taken, and I'm sure the devs feel the same :) It's great people are using TaleSpire and wanting it to become bigger and better and feedback is super important to getting a better overall experience.

PS: I'll close this as it's not a bug report, if you want to discuss some points please do check in on the discord, it's super active with many really nice and helpful people :)