Bouncyrock / TaleSpire-Beta-Public-Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker for the TaleSpire Beta
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Wooden beams is of a different size #970

Open Weird-devi opened 3 years ago

Weird-devi commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Not neccesairly a bug, and if this is intentional, I'll accept it, but a bother for me either way. The Horizontal wooden beam from Misc. interior is smaller than the Vertical wooden beam from the Tavern Tileset. I had assumed they were to be the same size and proportions, just one is vertical, the other is horizontal. There is also the switch of it being a prop rather than a tile, but I can accept that. When I first saw the horizontal tiles that now is props I was really exited to use them in ways I had imagined since early on, but seeing that they are not the same dimensions makes it not really work.

I made a screenshot showing off just how different in sized they are.

Screenshots/Videos/Twitch Clips image

Additional context Now, if this is intentional or they are supposed to work like that, I can accept that and move on. I'm just curious of why the size of the beam would be changed.