Bouni / kicad-jlcpcb-tools

Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
MIT License
1.08k stars 102 forks source link

Text clipping rightside buttons #479

Closed DomoticX closed 3 days ago

DomoticX commented 1 month ago

Not a true bug (it is workable), hopefully a simple UI fix can make this better someday.....just to mention it...

Application: KiCad PCB Editor x64 on x64

Version: 8.0.2, release build

    wxWidgets 3.2.4
    FreeType 2.12.1
    HarfBuzz 8.3.0
    FontConfig 2.14.2
    libcurl/8.5.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3

Platform: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit editie, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
    Date: Apr 27 2024 23:05:17
    wxWidgets: 3.2.4 (wchar_t,wx containers)
    Boost: 1.83.0
    OCC: 7.7.1
    Curl: 8.5.0-DEV
    ngspice: 42
    Compiler: Visual C++ 1936 without C++ ABI

Build settings:
BA7LYA commented 1 month ago


Bouni commented 4 weeks ago

Do you guys use some sort of High res screens with DPI other than 100%

DomoticX commented 4 weeks ago

Do you guys use some sort of High res screens with DPI other than 100%

Yes, a 4K screen with 150% scaling (windows default for 4K screens)

Maybe the texts could be adjusted/compensated for the windows scaling factor?
