Bouni / luxtronik

Luxtronik integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Add second heatpump #35

Open gogl85 opened 2 years ago

gogl85 commented 2 years ago

How can I connect to a second heatpump on same network (with other IP-address)?

I duplicated the luxtronik folder under custom_components and named it luxtronik2, but when I want to use it ,this happens:

Integration 'luxtronik2' not found.

Does somebody know whats wrong?

Bouni commented 2 years ago

This does not work at the moment. I've never planned for multiple heat pumps. Maybe I can find a way to do it but that takes some time

Kh3nsu commented 2 years ago

Hello is this already implented?

Bouni commented 2 years ago

Nope, sorry

Kh3nsu commented 2 years ago

Okay thanks. Is there maybe a quick workaround for now you could think of?

Bouni commented 2 years ago

@WolfsWelpe Unfortunately, no In order to have two instances you need to have a completely different setup proccess. I can try to figure out whats necessary to get that working but it will take some time ...

Kh3nsu commented 1 year ago

Heyhoo, as I'm getting my second heatpump soon I think (If it is shippable...) im curous if there is anything New about this?

sofa74surfer commented 1 year ago

we have 4 heatpumps here, because all 4 houses are together in the same network. would be great, to control more than one heatpump.

sofa74surfer commented 12 months ago

For all here, not want and cannot wait for enhancement to use this integration with more than one Heat Pump. This may be a way for you in the meanwhile. I use the node red integration for our 4 Heat Pumps.