Bouni / luxtronik

Luxtronik integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Invalid Luxtronik ID HUP_Temp_Spread_Soll in group calculations #73

Open eric1905 opened 8 months ago

eric1905 commented 8 months ago

Hello @Bouni

I just tried to get access to the value of HUP_Temp_Spread_Soll but get the error "Invalid Luxtronik ID HUP_Temp_Spread_Soll in group calculations" in the log. I checked and saw that this file value was added just 3 months ago.

But the latest release is from january. So I guess that is the case that I cannot read the value. Is there any possibility to get it or do I have to wait for the next release?

Kind regards Eric

Bouni commented 7 months ago

Hey, sorry for the late response. I wanted to wait for the next proper release of the python-luxtronik module before I release a new version of the integartion. I'll see if I might relase a inbetween version, depending on the progress with the module ...