Bouni / luxtronik

Luxtronik integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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No endities available #85

Open PVAnfaenger opened 2 months ago

PVAnfaenger commented 2 months ago


Ich glaube ich habe ein ähnliches Problem wie der Kollege aus dem anderen Tread. Allerdings habe ich wie du auch da schon beschrieben hast noch mal das AddOn gelöscht und neu installiert. Installation läuft über HACS fehlerfrei durch.

  1. Für mich stellt sich die Frage ob die heatpump.yaml Manuell angelegt werden muss oder ob durch die Installation kommen sollte?
  2. Wenn Sie Manuell erstellt werden muss, muss diese in einen bestimmten Ordner?
  3. Für was sind die beiden folgende Verweise?

sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list binary_sensors

Screenshot File Editor

PVAnfaenger commented 2 months ago


I forgot that the Github default language is English.

I think I have a similar problem as the colleagues from the other thread.


However, as you have already described there, I have deleted the add-on again and reinstalled it. The installation runs without errors via HACS.

The question for me is whether the heatpump.yaml has to be created manually or whether it should come through the installation? If it has to be created manually, does it have to be saved in a specific folder? What are the following two references for? sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list binary_sensors

Bouni commented 2 months ago


The configuration is entirely in yaml, so yes, you have to create the heatpump.yaml manually.

sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors
binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list binary_sensors

These will merge any yaml file in the subfolders into the configuration.

PVAnfaenger commented 2 months ago

So the designation

!include_dir_merge_list sensors

is only an example and should then be named

sensor: !include_heatpump sensors binary_sensor: !include_heatpump binary_sensors

And where must the heatpump.yaml be stored? Directly via the file editor in the /homeassistant directory. ?

Bouni commented 4 weeks ago

Sorry for the huge delay.

In your configuration.yaml you have this line: sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors Next to that you have a folder named sensors that contain one or many .yaml files, one of which is the heatpump.yaml That contains for example this structure:

- platform: luxtronik
  scan_interval: 60
    - group: calculations
      id: ID_WEB_Temperatur_TVL
      friendly_name: Temperatur Vorlauf
      state_class: measurement

Home Assistant will merge all the yaml files in that folder as if you write a giant structure within your configuration.yaml.

The idea is that you can split your config and make it more readable.