BountyOneBounties / Issues

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Suggestions to Improve #2

Open bountyone opened 6 years ago

bountyone commented 6 years ago

Please reply in the Github issue or in the chat(lower right corner on about how could be improved or what you would like to see. Thinking outside of the box is always good and we do appreciate constructive criticism.

saga43 commented 6 years ago

I just want to share my experience, I tried to clicking on the start work button, but it's not responding and I think there is no need of placing top performers on the left, cause it's not look good, you can put them on the seperate button, that is all my experience so far.

MheniMerz commented 6 years ago

hy, i love the concept of freelancing on the blockchain, i have been looking at GitCoin a lot lately and i think it can be useful if you had

  1. bounty categories (bug, developpement, suggestion, article writing, ...etc.) and difficulty levels (you do have them, but it's not yet possible to use it as a filter) so that users can filter bounties as they wish (you can also think off all kinds of other filters (open/closed bounties, programming language needed ...etc.).
  2. another thing that i would love to see which not available on gitcoin either is bounty collaboration which can be very challenging to implement but the idea is to have more than one person collaborating on a bounty and at the end split the bounty on the ether addresses according to the amount of work each person did (would be awesome to integrate a pomodoro timer, but then again there is an oracle problem here).
  3. and one last thing is that there is a start working button but, we're not sure when the work stops, is there a way to submit work? by a pull request? or is a comment like this one considered as submitting work ?

hope this helps to improve and grow the community. cheers, Mheni.

ak23626 commented 6 years ago

Hey developers. I just started working on "Suggestions to Improve" project.i think it is a perfect way for promoting the use of cryptocurrency and blockchain and more people should support it. 1)---So it would be quite helpful for more programmers or companies if u made a page on facebook and instagram as well as a chat place in telegram as it would tremendously publicize the website and they would be able to add their contracts ......telegram has been supporting crypto for quite a long time now... 2)--As for the website is obviously quite perfect right now as it is very unique.....It would be lovely for some people if u start the payment in other cryptocurrencies....or more such contract are added...... 3)---One more soon as i refresh a page the work that i started goes back to its previous 'start work' stage.......a solution for that is needed.

internettips commented 6 years ago

Some initial thoughts relating to (mostly) On a, the writing is faulty. So you're losing business. For example, on your home page, under the topic of "What is Gitcoin", you say "1. It's *not* a token." You're actually saying "It is not a token". The problems with that sentence include: - It's is a contraction of "it is". So you're citing a double negative (it is (for) ... not ... (against) in the same phrase or sentence. A little like saying "yes" immediately followed by "no". Such a sequence doesn't help for a fast, clear explanation ... of anything. - you're using the dreaded word "it" - a lot. "It" is one of those amateur words. I know we all use these in spoken conversation: no problem. But writing for business benefits from more care and attention. "It" makes you sound lazy, unsure, when in reality, I suspect, most everyone at is outstanding. - "It" is vague, ambiguous, has little precise meaning. If you want to confuse at least one search engine bot I know of, use "it" a lot. Suggestion: don't downgrade search quality through poor writing. - "It" is not a valuable search keyword. Better: be specific. Suggestion: - For your "It's *not* a token", line, your solution is simple. How: I suggest, change your wording to: "Gitcoin is *not* a token." Why? You: - Remove the "It's" word altogether. - Create instant clarity. - Add another instance of your central keyword to your site. - Improve the quality of your site one more notch. The remaining errors too can be fixed. The key point is, **word choices make a difference**. Sometimes, written communication can be transformative. However arguably, today, the quality of writing alone is not the best answer. To create an outstanding result, I suggest, you need **a great recipe**. No, I'm not talking cooking. Rather, about creating a climate through which **a carefully thought out mix of various skills and technologies** can be brought together to build, and continuously perfect or improve, the initial "recipe". Referring back to, of course as the list of projects grows, you'll probably want to provide **powerful Search capabilities** for the site. An ever-growing scrolling list can soon become tedious. **Clickable top-level project category buttons** might help too. Key point: why not offer **multiple pathways to the same destination**? Why: different people interact with screens differently. Make interaction quicker, simpler, faster. **Fix the broken "Start Work" buttons**. After I choose the "Start Work" button, no response detected. Though I immediately thought I knew why: to speed up responses, I routinely run an ad-blocker here. So I switched off the ad-blocker, though still no change of result. Another thought: on that occasion, I was using Apple Safari web browser version 11.1 (13605. for the Mac. I've had some glitches in past, so perhaps another browser might work better. A quick test with Firefox v59.0.2 generated only a blank screen. So I moved on to Google Chrome version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit), which displayed the page, as in Apple Safari, however, the "Start Work" button also didn't work. That's when I realised, none of the "Start Work" buttons functioned at this time: I guess is a draft idea. So, if you do go forward with the site, of course, you'll **check performance across different web browsers, platforms, etc., for accessibility aspects, loading speed, etc**. Right now, arguably, seems sparse, like a desert. **First glance impact is ... underwhelming**. Don't worry: I understand the site and idea is new. There is plenty of time to perfect and improve. However, I suggest do consider addressing the "robotic personality". How: **give more humanity. Include photos, people, ideally based on real lives**. Developers are people too :-) Even though many of us like to act predominantly logical in our thought processes, **in reality, we're a complex mix**. So why not reflect real people, real lives? By tuning in to the different kinds of people out there, **building on diversity better**, can soar instead of flounder. I could ramble on: but that's it for now. Hope it helps.
igormontella commented 6 years ago

I think that exists some features that are extremely important for the basic use of the platform:

1 - Inform how many people is working in each Bounty. It's frustrating when you start a job and someone finishes it and you don't even know how many people is working on the same problem.

2 - When you click on the "Start Working" Button, nothing happens until you sign in at Metamask. You should give some alert or shows up a modal, asking for sign in at Metamask.

3 - There isn't any verification, using cookies or javascript to identify my account and in witch bounties I'm working on.

4 - On the home ( you should be able to see the "about" part ( It would be a better experience if you see it easily at HOME.

Hope it helps.

calchulus commented 6 years ago

Hello! Could we make each task card clickable & open in new link, rather than just the "view github" button? Should be a simple switch in what elemeent is hyperlinked

calchulus commented 6 years ago

I'd love to see who else is a hunter on any of the tasks, so hyperlinking the # of hunters to a list of people and their github profiles would be really interesting!

calchulus commented 6 years ago

"Design a New Logo For" 's View Bounty link is nonexistent - it just links back to the jobboard itself.

bountyone commented 6 years ago

@calchulus Please reply with your ETH address for your bounty reward.

calchulus commented 6 years ago


calchulus commented 6 years ago

I would love to see a date posted/how many days ago was a task on the preview card on the homepage, not just when you click in.