BourbonWarfare / POTATO

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RHS Body Armor Normalization #523

Closed AChesheireCat closed 2 weeks ago

AChesheireCat commented 2 weeks ago

Brings the RHS vest armor values to be more in line with Vanilla/CUP as well as to clarify the armor level rating system which is labelled after the Russian GOST system, not NIJ like the vanilla/CUP armor systems.

This affects the following RHS AFRF vests and their subvariants:

AChesheireCat commented 2 weeks ago

I thought the issue with RHS armors was passThroughvalues

Do those need any tweaking or is just modifying armorenough? [...]

Sorta-kinda. Certain armors had their pass-through values tweaked (ie. the 6B13 had a pass-through of 0.1 which is extremely tanky) but others were in line with vanilla values. CUP themselves use 0.3 for their equivalent armors.

The real big issue when I looked into it did seem to be the armor values - using the 6B13 as an example again, it had 28 listed as the armor value. Comparatively, the most modern Russian CUP vest, the 6B45, used 16 as their armor value. Even if the pass-through value had been upped to allow more damage through, the threshold to reach is extremely high. I chose the easy route and just normalized the values to avoid having to do tiny specific tweaks and shiz.

kil0byt3 commented 2 weeks ago

Cool. Good info. Sounds good!