BowlerHatLLC / vscode-as3mxml

ActionScript & MXML language extension for Visual Studio Code. Develop apps for Adobe AIR, Adobe Flash Player, or Apache Royale.
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Adding -licenseDevID or -licenseFile to ADT commands #761

Closed waveofthought-code closed 3 weeks ago

waveofthought-code commented 4 weeks ago

I'm aware of the the additionalOptions property in asconfig, but when I try adding these flags it errors out. eg:

Error: unknown configuration variable 'licenseDevID <devID>'.

Is there a way to add additional options to adt via asconfig, or at the very least supply these two specifically with special asconfig properties?

edited to add the bottom line of the output from adt -help:

All commands can be preceeded by '-licenseFile (path)adt.lic' or '-licenseDevID DevID' to override the use of the lib/adt.lic file
joshtynjala commented 4 weeks ago

additionalOptions is for the mxmlc compiler only. It does not affect options passed to adt.

Unfortunately, adt options are required to appear in a very specific order, unlike with mxmlc. So I've never added a field that would be the adt equivalent of additionalOptions because sometimes options need to be added to the beginning, sometimes at the end, or sometimes directly before or after a particular option somewhere in the middle.

When I get a chance, I'll add both licenseFile and licenseDevID to airOptions. I'm actually surprised that no one has brought this up before! I guess most people are placing their .lic file where it will be detected by adt automatically, so they haven't needed to specify either of these options. (I believe that location is ~/.airsdk/adt.lic, or in the lib directory of the AIR SDK).

waveofthought-code commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks Josh! I just learned of the existence of these properties today, but it looks like they've been around for awhile. They'll be useful to have included in asconfig, no doubt!