BoxOfDevs / SwitchFromLeet

A website showing leet useres the advantages of a non-leet server and how much money they could save when switching to another host.
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Licence? #2

Open AvgZing opened 7 years ago

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

No licence means that they cannot use the software. :/ BRO.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

It'a a website, nobody else other than us should host it :P

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Why not? He (you know who) did it all the time!

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

You know who? img_2920

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

No, the other cat guy. Not you.

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock You mean Stampy?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

HOW DO YOU GUYS NOT GET THIS- I am talking about the old HIMBEER.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

So I'm old huh?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

yoy I see u edited that.

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

Why did you keep editing my posts? Original post: Edited. Post 3: Edited. I'm sure there is a good reason

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

So I'm old huh?

I'd never say something like that xD

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

The old himbeer? Lol. YEAH

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

Oops, sorry guys. I forgot to logout, it was my friend.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Bad excuse xD

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

@HimbeersaftLP Fine... Oops sorry guys it was Donald Trump he accidentally fired nuclear weapon at my house so he sent the FBI to come but they ended up in Greece instead then they reported me because my house was too far for them so they came and toook my iPad and then gave it to him and he didn't know what an iPad is so he logged on and messed up my github. Better?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Yep, that's something I'd believe xD

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

@Ultie0 You use GitHub to commit on an iPad?

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

@RTGDaCoder you got the words mixed up lol but sure, why not? I use ant device that is available

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

Don't! I learned my lesson when i used to use an iPad for commits xD

hcortezr commented 7 years ago

Boi yall are dumb.. Just cuz leet used your plug.. You should be happy 😂

Ad5001 commented 7 years ago

@eDroiid Duh. It's easy to see that you're NOT an free dev... Lets see when they'll steal your work...

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

@RTGDACODER I use it for rousing github, but not commits.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@eDroiid LEET used their plugin and violated the license, how should they be happy? Honestly, I like LEET and its community, but it's not right to steal a plugin and violate the license like that. Sure, BoxOfDevs is maybe going a little too far by sending someone to spam the forums, when they should do things professionally, and that's not improving the situation. If you guys went and talked to LEET professionally and respectfully in the first place, they would have probably listened.

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

@Echodoris we were joking about the spam XD

Ad5001 commented 7 years ago

@Echodoris It was a joke about spam. And when we talk about professionalism, we tried being kind, but that didn't solved the problem at all. They were ignoring the evident.

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

Sure, BoxOfDevs is maybe going a little too far by sending someone to spam the forums, when they should do things professionally, and that's not improving the situation

We never did that...

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

@Echodoris We never sent anyone to spam the forums. We did announce on the forums to get their attention, but that didn't work, so now comes the DMCA.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@HimbeersaftLP You went on the forums and said a bunch of unecessary (true) crap about LEET So now with how you guys acted they're not taking you seriously and they think of you as "baboons"

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

You guys had a GL License when you've pushed your commits to your Repo? If yes, GL license means they can use it but no duplication or redistribution

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

Then they redistributed to their customers.

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

That could be the case too

catgirlinspace commented 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

The original license stated (I believe at line 38) that if the software is distributed, the end user must be given a copy of the source code - which LEET isn't doing - and they must also be informed that they have the same rights over the software as the distributor does. Basically the end user must be given the code and must be told they have the right to use the software for production, distribute it, sell it, and all the other rights included in the license. And LEET is violating both of these.

AvgZing commented 7 years ago

I'm really confused: whose side are you on, @ThouvZePig?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

@HimbeersaftLP You went on the forums and said a bunch of unecessary (true) crap about LEET So now with how you guys acted they're not taking you seriously and they think of you as "baboons"

I was trying to make at least a few members move from leet. Oh, funfact: They banned even tough I wasn't violating the ToS xD

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

I'm really confused: whose side are you on, @ThouvZePig?

Ours, but he doesn't approve of how we acted by posting all that stuff on the Leet forums, even tho he accepts it was true.

Vaults1 commented 7 years ago

I contacted leet support. Let's see what they do.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@TheRoyalBlock I agree with you guys about the situation itself, but I agree with LEET when they say that you acted immaturely about it

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

The original license stated (I believe at line 38) that if the software is distributed, the end user must be given a copy of the source code - which LEET isn't doing - and they must also be informed that they have the same rights over the software as the distributor does. Basically the end user must be given the code and must be told they have the right to use the software for production, distribute it, sell it, and all the other rights included in the license. And LEET is violating both of these.

I think you are right, based on the old license which they choose to obligate to, they are cornered to share their source code basically

dragonwocky commented 7 years ago

@ThouvZePig I can't argue with that, I agree. I did just try and talk to one the devs about it in a DM/PM/Whatever-You-Want-To-Call-It-Message, but he refused to negotiate at the time. More recently I tried messaging him again and he ignored me and tried to redirect me to the Leet support email.

@Thunder33345 Exactly.

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

when will we get this project going tho?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

when will we get this project going tho?

When I'm finished with my other projects :D

(BOD forums Discord WebHook and CommandShop)

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

xD. I'm working on Forums... It has avatar upload and also with SQL Data handling. I can help with this also if this has any login forms or any other feature regarding PHP. It can be Super Globals too :)

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

Super Globals

?? also you are building your own forum?!?

Discord WebHook

wym by that?

HimbeersaftLP commented 7 years ago

wym by that?

A WebHook that writes a message in #status when a new forum message is posted

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

@Thunder33345 Yes, why not?

Thunder33345 commented 7 years ago

@RTGDaCoder seems too much when there's free alternatives out there that's secure and more completed

InspectorGadget commented 7 years ago

@Thunder33345 I've nothing to work on so i'm doing that for my new service